On Sunday, US President Joe Biden declared that he would not be fighting for reelection in the US presidential election of 2024. On Sunday, Biden made an official announcement on the matter, following many talks with senior White House officials and advisors over the course of the previous weekend. Vice President Kamala Harris announced her intention to "earn and win" the Democratic nomination, and Biden placed his support behind her.
My fellow Americans, our country has come a long way in the last three and a half years. The American economy is the strongest in the world right now. Our country has been rebuilt, seniors' prescription medication expenses have decreased, and a record number of Americans now have access to affordable health care because to our historic investments.
We have given a million veterans who were exposed to harmful toxins the desperately required care. enacted the first gun safety legislation in three decades. made the first female African American Supreme Court nominee. and enacted the most important climate law in global history. America is in a stronger position than ever to take the lead. Without you, the people of America, I know that none of this could have been accomplished. Together, we surmounted the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression as well as a once-in-a-century epidemic. We've managed to safeguard and maintain our democracy. Additionally, we have strengthened and revitalized our global alliances. Being your President has been the greatest honor of my life. Even though it has always been my goal to run for reelection, I feel that it would be better for my party and the nation if I stepped down and concentrated just on carrying out my presidential duties for the balance of my term.
I will give a more thorough explanation of my choice to the country later this week. Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who has put so much effort into getting me re-elected.
I express my gratitude to Vice President Kamala Harris for her exceptional collaboration throughout this entire endeavor. And allow me to thank the American people from the bottom of my heart for their confidence and trust in me. I still think the same thing I always have: that when we work together, there is nothing America can't do. All we need to keep in mind is that we are the United States of America.