Sidharth Malhotra's recent ramp walk during designers Shantanu and Nikhil's fashion show in Delhi has sparked quite a buzz online. Fans noticed that he appeared uncomfortable when model Alicia Kaur got a little too close to him during their walk, leading to a lot of chatter on social media. Some fans were curious about how his wife, Kiara Advani, might react to the much-talked-about interaction.
On Sunday, Sidharth shared a video montage from the fashion show, highlighting key moments, including his meeting with veteran actor Zeenat Aman and a lively performance by actor-singer Saba Azad with Imaad Shah. Interestingly, he also included clips with Alicia Kaur, the model whose interaction with him had been grabbing attention.
Alicia playfully addressed the situation by sharing a cheeky apology to Kiara Advani on her Instagram Stories. She posted a picture showing her holding Sidharth close during the walk and wrote, "Sorry Kiara," adding a light-hearted touch to the situation. The interaction has since become a trending topic among fans and media outlets alike.